In the second Live Webinar on Canine Leishmaniosis, free access, that will be held November 17th 2020, from 1:30 pm, organized with the support of Ecuphar, will be discussed the topical repellents currently available in Italy, useful to protect dogs against the flebotomine bites and then to prevent the Leishmania transmission.
In the webinar will be displayed scientific information and practical advices about:
The biology and the behavior of the insect vector, necessary for the appropriate management of a preventive plan;
The criteria to evaluate their efficacy;
The active principles and the action mechanisms of the repellents available in Italy;
To their correct administration
Then, will be presented the approach to two different scenarios of patients affected by canine leishmaniosis, useful to discuss and connect to the prevention limitations against the flebotomine biting.
To follow the live webinar please link to: